Saturday, August 7, 2010

How to Turn Around a Bad (Food) Day

Today was one of the most beautiful August days ever but not a good food day for me!  I started the day as usual with my Ionix and IsaLean Shake. Then we rushed out at 11am to go to a church picnic. I filled up my 20oz container with water as usual and grabbed an apple because I knew we'd be there for a while. Drank the 20oz on the way there and had no water left - thought I would get some there. Well, I really didn't plan well...

Once there I found out the menu was limited  to hot dogs and chips; knew we wouldn't be leaving until 2pm; remembered I only had one shake so far that day; and realized I wasn't going to be sustained with just the apple.  So I decided to have a hot dog (we don't eat them as a family anymore but once in a while I do enjoy having one).  Above is a photo of my plate (I gave away the cookie but ate the chips).  

Why are there two photos???
That wouldn't have been so bad but after that hot dog it literally felt like I hadn't eaten anything and I was still hungry! Actually, I knew my body was hungry for some real food but I impulsively took another plate (a 2nd hot dog and chips) - yikes!  The lack of water wasn't helping (they had sweetened tea but I don't drink/eat any sugar or sugar substitutes).  I had remorse after because I knew I had just wasted calories on food that wasn't healthy and wasn't even satisfying (whereas I don't mind wasting calories on something really delicious).

Believe it or not I still didn't feel full - my body knows what good nutrition is now and it was demanding something more, something better.  So I ate my green apple and had some watermelon and that stopped the cravings - thank goodness.  As soon as I left I stopped and bought a big liter of water and drank the whole thing.  Then we went to the pool and didn't get home until 4:30, at which point I was hungry again. I made myself a 1/2 shake and ate some sugar snap peas with hummus.  So I was back on track... but not for long.

Then I found out my husband wasn't going to be back from fishing until about 7pm so I held off on making dinner. Bad for me because I am used to eating dinner at 5-5:30.  So I took my mind off food by doing some work but when I realized that a brief I was working on did not get saved (lost about an hour of work) that got me anxious and drove me to the kitchen where I had some crackers with cheese, tortilla chips and two pieces of toast with butter!!  (I should have had an IsaDelight - that would have calmed me down!)  And I could have kept going - I still felt hungry.

Prior to Isagenix I would have just kept going on a binge with the notion that I ruined the day anyway but now I knew I had a surefire way to stop the madness!  I made myself a shake (1/2 IsaLean and 1/2 IsaPro with a little orange WME) and my body finally registered that it didn't need to eat anymore.  I made my family dinner (BBQ grilled chicken breast, sweet potato fries and green beans) and I sat with them but didn't eat anything - although it was healthy, I wasn't hungry and I've now learned to listen to my body. 

So that was my crazy food day and I'm glad it's over!  In the past, one bad food day lead into another, which lead into another. Now I have no more than 1/2 a bad food day.  Lesson learned: I need to eat healthy foods at regular intervals and all will be well - it's really pretty simple and sometimes just takes a little advance planning if I am going to be away from home.

Tomorrow I am going to do a shake day (which I love) - just shakes all day with healthy snacks in between and Monday I will do a cleanse day. The rest of the week I will be eating at other people's houses while visiting friends in RI so I will have to be careful with that.

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