Saturday, May 1, 2010

Confession, my weight loss streak has been broken...

I was able to lose weight EVERY week for 6 months but the streak is broken (I guess it was bound to happen). I had lost another 2lbs last week and gained them this week so still down 71lbs (but was down 73).

I had already recognized that I needed to add exercise regularly in order to get to my goal of 100lbs. So this week my daughter and I started a "fat free yoga" CD workout every morning. We really like it and are going to stick with that! In addition I'll do more walking (which I love but find it hard to schedule in the time).

So what went wrong this week? I definitely know I ate a few times past the point of being full at dinner (because I liked the taste).  Not eating "bad" foods, just a little too much.  Most people will admit that they just eat too much (just not getting that feeling of being satisfied). The good thing is that the shakes actually satisfy me nutritionally so there are no real cravings for food like before. 

I also think I need to keep up with the water (which I love and am religious about) but have lately been not as thoughtful about it.  Am I worried about this? Absolutely not - this is life, there will be ups and downs...but now I have a proven way to handle it.

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