Monday, June 14, 2010

8 Month Progress: 75 lbs and 70 inches!

It finally happened - my plateau is broken!!  I was stuck at the same weight and inches for about seven weeks (give or take two pounds) but I knew a few things that kept me going:
1. I hadn't been at my goal weight in 22 years so it would take time to lose it
2. my body was resting at this set point where it felt comfortable
3. I was putting the BEST nutrition in my body everyday and not starving

I tried many different things to get the weight loss going again including different Isagenix products; listenting to different people's experiences with the same problem (Jean Faber, Larry Fuchs Jr); learning tips from Dr. Ina, Dr. Ted, Susan Sly and others. No other company offers this much support and advice!!  If nothing else I think I have an arsenal of information to help other people if they get stuck at a plateau (so contact me).

So what finally did it??  I am not sure but I've narrowed it down to three factors:
1. it was just my body's time to get moving again after adjusting to the 71lb weight loss
2. the more regular, more intense walking kicked in (with Dale, my walking partner, who I love having as a friend and mentor in the business)
3. the addition of IsaOmega 3 (recommended by Dale)
Or ALL of the above!

I did try many different product routines and maybe the IsaOmega just hit at the right time but it did seem to make a difference.  Another thing NO other company offers... while I am losing weight and feeling great, I am helping other people do the same and this paid for a NEW pair of walking shoes!! 

These are Avia Toning sneakers - like the Sketchers Shape-Ups but I think less bulky looking. I really like them!

1 comment:

  1. So glad to read about your breakthrough! I'm only on Day 6 myself... love your blog - very motivating!
