Wednesday, June 16, 2010

CONFIRMED - Omega 3 + Exercise = Weight Loss!

In yesterday's post I surmized that my ability to finally get past my 7 week plateau was the combination of omega 3's and the more regular exercise.

Today I Googled omega 3 and weight loss and immediately found this research by the University of South Australia which corroborates my own theory:

It has now been proven scientifically that omega-3 fish oil helps you lose weight. Studies at the University of South Australia have found that taking omega-3 fish oil combined with moderate aerobic exercise boosts weight loss.  Over a period of 12 weeks, researchers gave a group of obese adult’s daily doses of omega-3 fish oil and supervised moderate aerobic exercise three times a week. The researches compared the results of this group with other groups that were not given omega-3 fish oil and exercise three times a week.  More info...

I recently found another great article from Natural News that supports this theory.
Of course Isagenix has the best quality Omega 3 supplements!  IsaOmega Supreme is the "purest and most advanced" on the market!  Link here to the facts which support that.
Thanks again to Dale for recommending this!!

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