Sunday, June 13, 2010

Eat This, NOT THAT!

My son just celebrated his 9th birthday and I made him his favorite cake (white cake with home made whipped cream frosting and strawberries on top).  I would have a hard time passing up birthday cake if I had not quit sugar (I was addicted to sugar and gave it up in Aug. 2008 - over a year before I started using Isagenix).  I don't dare even have a bite... but I do still eat other "junk" food from time to time... and so it was on Friday that I brought some Cool Ranch Doritos into our house. I never buy this stuff but I got it for the kids who were coming over (or was it for me?).  On that subject, why do we eat food that is horrible for our health when we are "celebrating?" That is a custom that has gotten a lot of people, including me, to the point of obesity.

So I ate some (actually, quite a lot) of these Doritos with all their fake chemical ingredients and then felt sickish. So then I made my FAVORITE salad and all was well. 

Strawberry Spinich Salad
- organic baby spinich (must get the baby spinich, the regular is too tough for me to eat raw)
- strawberries (I didn't get the organic - didn't have them at my supermarket, these berries have a lot of residual pesticides - one of the "dirty dozen" - so glad to have Cleanse for Life)
- balsamic vinegar
- extra virgin olive oil
- Optional: this salad is delicious just with the strawberry dressing but anything can be added - shown here with walnuts and feta cheese
1. chop up strawberries small
2. mix with some balsamic and eeoo, add some pepper and a little Himilayan sea salt
3. toss with spinich and mix well
4. add other toppings if desired (keeping in mind the extra calories)

I could live on this salad, IsaLean shakes, bars and IsaDelights. That's it and I would be happy.

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