Monday, June 28, 2010

Aerial Adventure

My sister and her son came to visit me and my two children and today we went to Jiminy Peak's new Aerial Adventure Park.  We had a blast and I was so excited because in the past (76lbs ago) I would have been too big for the harnesses and probably wouldn't have attempted to walk on a tight-rope in the tree-tops.  Well today was great, I was faster and steadier than my nephew and two kids!  At one point everyone climbed down a ladder to avoid a really difficult rope tunnel. I knew I had to do it - plus, there was a fun zip line once I got through the tunnel.  I did it and I was really proud of myself and my kids were too!

Later on there was a really tricky vertical spider web for kids. All three kids were having a tough time doing it (falling repeatedly) and I really thought my son would give up (at one point he was practically in tears from frustration). Shame on me I was telling him to go try the rope ladders instead because he was good at them and I didn't want him to end the day feeling defeated after all he had accomplished.  Well, he decided to keep trying (not give up!) and I was so proud of him - they all made it up to the top.

It was a day of trying new things - somewhat scary and unfamiliar things - but this is what life is all about!  I LOVE to do things like this with my kids so they can learn that succeeding takes perseverance, overcoming obstacles/failures and never giving up!  I just kept telling them how proud I was of them for the efforts they made and I could see that the experiences today were life-changing. 
I wish they had allowed cameras on the course but we had to leave all our stuff in a locker at the base.  Thank goodness, because my sister and I go crazy with taking photos of the kids and we would have been calling them in the middle of a traverse to turn around and smile.  I went back later and took this photo of one of the cross-overs we did.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

I work with the BEST company!


The other day when I was walking I just starting thinking of how much I love Isagenix... the people, the products, the integrity of the company. Some people are skeptical when I tell them this and I really don't blame them.  It's a good idea to be skeptical in this day and age.  In these instances, I ask them to do their homework by listening to some Isagenix podcasts, reading the recent clinical trials, etc. and then to become an associate to see for themselves.

It recently dawned on me that my belief is not just my own experience with Isagenix but my 20+ years in working with many other brand-name companies. Here are some of the more recognizable ones...

I had to think back on all the products I marketed (either working directly for the company or being assigned the task at their ad agency).  I became intimately aware of product benefits and shortcomings as well as the business ethics of these companies (most good, some not).  The many hours, months and years I've spent with all these companies has given me keen insight into consumer product companies and this is what has helped solidify by belief that Isagenix is truly a world class company!

So if you are reading this and not sure, take my word for it and/or do the research yourself then try the products (there is a 30-day money back guarantee)! 

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

CONFIRMED - Omega 3 + Exercise = Weight Loss!

In yesterday's post I surmized that my ability to finally get past my 7 week plateau was the combination of omega 3's and the more regular exercise.

Today I Googled omega 3 and weight loss and immediately found this research by the University of South Australia which corroborates my own theory:

It has now been proven scientifically that omega-3 fish oil helps you lose weight. Studies at the University of South Australia have found that taking omega-3 fish oil combined with moderate aerobic exercise boosts weight loss.  Over a period of 12 weeks, researchers gave a group of obese adult’s daily doses of omega-3 fish oil and supervised moderate aerobic exercise three times a week. The researches compared the results of this group with other groups that were not given omega-3 fish oil and exercise three times a week.  More info...

I recently found another great article from Natural News that supports this theory.
Of course Isagenix has the best quality Omega 3 supplements!  IsaOmega Supreme is the "purest and most advanced" on the market!  Link here to the facts which support that.
Thanks again to Dale for recommending this!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

8 Month Progress: 75 lbs and 70 inches!

It finally happened - my plateau is broken!!  I was stuck at the same weight and inches for about seven weeks (give or take two pounds) but I knew a few things that kept me going:
1. I hadn't been at my goal weight in 22 years so it would take time to lose it
2. my body was resting at this set point where it felt comfortable
3. I was putting the BEST nutrition in my body everyday and not starving

I tried many different things to get the weight loss going again including different Isagenix products; listenting to different people's experiences with the same problem (Jean Faber, Larry Fuchs Jr); learning tips from Dr. Ina, Dr. Ted, Susan Sly and others. No other company offers this much support and advice!!  If nothing else I think I have an arsenal of information to help other people if they get stuck at a plateau (so contact me).

So what finally did it??  I am not sure but I've narrowed it down to three factors:
1. it was just my body's time to get moving again after adjusting to the 71lb weight loss
2. the more regular, more intense walking kicked in (with Dale, my walking partner, who I love having as a friend and mentor in the business)
3. the addition of IsaOmega 3 (recommended by Dale)
Or ALL of the above!

I did try many different product routines and maybe the IsaOmega just hit at the right time but it did seem to make a difference.  Another thing NO other company offers... while I am losing weight and feeling great, I am helping other people do the same and this paid for a NEW pair of walking shoes!! 

These are Avia Toning sneakers - like the Sketchers Shape-Ups but I think less bulky looking. I really like them!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Eat This, NOT THAT!

My son just celebrated his 9th birthday and I made him his favorite cake (white cake with home made whipped cream frosting and strawberries on top).  I would have a hard time passing up birthday cake if I had not quit sugar (I was addicted to sugar and gave it up in Aug. 2008 - over a year before I started using Isagenix).  I don't dare even have a bite... but I do still eat other "junk" food from time to time... and so it was on Friday that I brought some Cool Ranch Doritos into our house. I never buy this stuff but I got it for the kids who were coming over (or was it for me?).  On that subject, why do we eat food that is horrible for our health when we are "celebrating?" That is a custom that has gotten a lot of people, including me, to the point of obesity.

So I ate some (actually, quite a lot) of these Doritos with all their fake chemical ingredients and then felt sickish. So then I made my FAVORITE salad and all was well. 

Strawberry Spinich Salad
- organic baby spinich (must get the baby spinich, the regular is too tough for me to eat raw)
- strawberries (I didn't get the organic - didn't have them at my supermarket, these berries have a lot of residual pesticides - one of the "dirty dozen" - so glad to have Cleanse for Life)
- balsamic vinegar
- extra virgin olive oil
- Optional: this salad is delicious just with the strawberry dressing but anything can be added - shown here with walnuts and feta cheese
1. chop up strawberries small
2. mix with some balsamic and eeoo, add some pepper and a little Himilayan sea salt
3. toss with spinich and mix well
4. add other toppings if desired (keeping in mind the extra calories)

I could live on this salad, IsaLean shakes, bars and IsaDelights. That's it and I would be happy.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Consumer Reports: What's in your protein shake?

I am so glad to have found a company that has a no-compromise promise to produce superior quality products. Not so for other companies.... check out the unexpected "extras" found in many other protein shakes. LINK to article in Consumer Reports.  (Note, the IsaLean shakes are different than the typical protein shake because they are a balanced meal of 40/30/30 Carbs/Protein/Fats.)

How the heck did those Skrek glasses sold at McDonald's with the cadmium get past testing??  I guess they didn't test or trusted the glass manufacturer - never trust another company with something that important - do the testing yourself!!   That's what Isagenix does - they have total control over the manufacturing process. Click here for a link that explains the testing that Isagenix does.

I have to say that when I worked with Hasbro they were insane about testing everything (this was a few years before the scandals over the toys made in China). Now I know why they were unbending in their rules for testing - they have never had a toy recalled. 

I know lots of companies claim to have the best products so it's natural that people will be skeptical. But there are a LOT of facts to back up the superiority of Isagenix products.   Ask me, and I can show you, why IsaLean shakes are the most absorbable by the body and why our whey protein is FAR superior to anything else out there!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


If you don't watch HOUSEWIVES on BRAVO then maybe you are doing something more productive with your time but these are my "don't miss" shows. Starting with the Housewives of OC, I got hooked and while I watch very little TV now, these are my favorite shows.

So tonight I was excited to see a canister of chocolate IsaLean Shake on Caroline Manzo's kitchen counter! It was about 2/3rd through the episode when she is talking to Jacquie and Teresa.  I was really excited that it was the Manzo's - they are a loving, close knit family. Caroline is a smart businesswoman, mother of three and married to Albert for 25 years.

UPDATE (June 25) - it is now all over the Internet that Caroline Manzo dropped 20 pounds. Here is the before and after photo from the Internet. She says she is drinking gallons of water, eating food earlier in the day, no soda, only 1 cup of coffee per day and working out. She does not mention Isagenix so it's purely speculation that she used it to lose the weight but she does look great so congratulations to her!