When I saw that John Green was doing the bpcleanse (BluePrint Cleanse), I had to check it out. My daughter is a HUGE fan of his and so I've read his books and know more than I need to know about the casting, filming and upcoming release of FIOS, not to mention that I had to buy her a Pizza John hoodie for Christmas and take her to Carnegie Hall last Jan. to see his show (which was great by the way and so I started following him on Facebook).

As I've said before, awareness of cleansing is good. I hear more and more celebrities talking about it and many people will follow what celebrities are doing. Yolanda from RHOBH (who I love on the show) is always talking about the Master Cleanse. I love the lemon juice aspect but the antioxidants and adaptations in Isagenix blow it away. Of course there are celebrities and many professional athletes using Isagenix, so which one is best? Do the research on the ingredients and make your own decision.
P.S. my daughter would be really mad at me for talking about John on my blog but she'll never know because she never reads my blog - serves her right because she is not letting me read the novel she wrote for nanowrimo!
Wow Brad, saw on your site you are an Australian Triathlon Representative! it is amazing how good Isagenix is for our bodies!