I went to meet with Dr J today to get my orientation - he wasn't able to meet so I met with Dore Ramos, the Office Manage, also an Isagenix Consultant. Dore told me that she started using the products 9 months ago and lost 37lbs and 47"! She gave me an easy to follow schedule for "cleanse days" and "shake days." On the cleanse days you are not eating store bought food (it's a cleanse, after all), but the schedule includes drinks and snacks every 1-2 hours. On the shake day you basically use the shake as a meal replacement then eat one healthy meal (plus lots of small snacks throughout the day). I'll know more once I actually start using it - tomorrow!
It was a pleasure to also meet Dr J's dad, Joe, when he stopped by the office. He is a real genuine guy and told me his own story of how he (and his wife) lost weight and how great he feels and how many other people he's helped since using Isagenix. He had some amazing photos of his before and after and was very encouraging. Thanks Joe!
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