Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Good News - maintaining... Bad News - struggling to lose more

So I've haven't had much trouble maintaining the 90lbs I've lost but can't seem to lose more. I have good days then not so good days.

One thing I DO know, I feel fantastic on days when I eat lots of Isagenix plus raw, natural, live foods and feel like crap inside when I have processed, dead foods.  It further illustrates to me that eating clean is the way to go to feel my best.

I am having feelings of wanting to give up meat, I really don't enjoy it that much. It is SO crystal clear what my body is happy with and I have to listen to that! 

Thanks to my friend Dawna, she and I are calling each other every day (multiple times) to keep each other on track (we've both had problems with food addictions). Tomorrow we are doing a one-day cleanse.

1 comment:

  1. I am still very proud of you....90 lbs is AWESOME!!! Don't fret not losing more. I'm sure it will come in time. I'm really trying to get my act together here and not having much success. It's not easy to have gained back nearly all the weight I lost and have to "start over". Wish I had a 10th of your motivation/success/drive!
