I can count on two fingers the number of headaches I ever have in any given year so I guess I am lucky because lots of my friends/relatives complain of headaches. So when I started using Isagenix it was no different - not one headache.

Of course everyone is different but 90% of everyone I've coached through cleansing has been fine. Some have extra energy from the B vitamins (like me), some are more tired as their body is working hard to cleanse and some do have headaches during the Isagenix cleanse.
A friend of a friend is doing her first cleanse today and I heard she has a headache... so it prompted me to write this blog about Isagenix Cleanse Symptoms. The body is releasing toxins at a much quicker rate than normal and is going through withdrawal (especially if you had a diet which included caffeine, sugar). As with any addictive substance when you stop putting it in your body, your body reacts in ways that aren't always positive. I don't think anyone has every had headaches when they stopped eating broccoli (haha). Unfortunately, the more junk that's in your body, the worse you may feel. The good news is that any unpleasantness should pass within a few days and your body will thank you in the long run.
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