I am of course thankful for my family and loved ones, for the comforts of a warm and dry house (and grateful to my husband who was able to put a new roof on the back room when it started leaking last week).
So beyond those basic things I am most grateful for... here is my top 10 list:
- $10/month at Planet Fitness (no contract - can't beat that -- today I stayed 1 hour on the elliptical machine and skipped the weights so I could watch the lost footage of the Atlanta Housewives :-)
- Black Champion brand yoga pants from Target - they look good at the gym and are comfortable and stylish enough to wear around town (stretchy so still fit as I lose weight) and under $20
- Friends who thank me (sometimes with tears in their eyes) for introducing them to Isagenix - it solidifies my decision to keep sharing this with people
- DVRs - there are shows I really like to watch and rarely get to see them in real time so the DVR comes to the rescue and I can watch my shows later and fast forward through the commercials
- Internet - although sometimes a big time-waster, it has allowed me to connect with old friends and make new ones across the miles. A college roommate just found me on FaceBook - she is a specialty costumer in Hollywood. Because of the Internet I got to see her resume and all the movies she has worked on - pretty cool.
- This may sound crazy but I am really thankful for good clean filtered water to drink everyday that comes from my own well!
- I am thankful that my kids are getting more self-sufficient and allowing me more time- freedom. It was a hard adjustment to have kids at age 38 and 40 because I had led such an independent life.
- I know I already said I was thankful for family and loved ones but my mom deserves an extra shout-out - she is the best role model I could ask for and I am eternally grateful for her love and support!
- My Isagenix Citibank VISA card is convenient and has come in handy to pay for things that I wouldn't necessarily be able to justify. The company loads the card each Monday as commissions are earned and an email shows up in my inbox to notify me.
- Finally, I am grateful to have the opportunity to earn an unlimited stream of additional income while working from home at my own pace while helping other people get healthy! I can't really call it "work."