A quote from Dr Oz* -- "the food we eat may actually have the ability to turn on and off the genes that allow our cells to turn into cancer." "Your diet can reduce your risk of cancer."
His guest on the show, Dr. David Katz (founder of Yale University's Prevention and Research Center), said "If you eat optimally, at least 30 and as much as 60% of all cancer can be prevented... improves the health of cells, boosts immune system, better removes toxins from your body."
They talked about the value of GREENS - I have the Isagenix Greens but really havn't been taking them on a regular basis. I am going to start working them into my daily schedule in addition to the greens I usually eat everyday (because I would never get the number of servings that's recommended).
* this show aired 2/24/10
Friday, February 26, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Why Do You Need to Cleanse?
Why do you need to cleanse???? Listen to this short interview on NPR from two authors of a new book entitled Slow Dealth By Rubber Duck. LINK to audio.
The Environmental Working Group posted this link to their FaceBook page - it is a good organization that fights for our rights to be safe from toxins and chemicals. There is a great study on their home page of cell phone radiation. LINK to this site.
The Environmental Working Group posted this link to their FaceBook page - it is a good organization that fights for our rights to be safe from toxins and chemicals. There is a great study on their home page of cell phone radiation. LINK to this site.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
YIKES - the IsaBody Challenge Deadline is 6 Weeks Away!!!
I got a little bit of a shock when I checked on the status of my 2010 IsaBody Challenge entry - I was thinking I had until April 17th but (correctly) they define 6 months as 24 weeks so my deadline is April 6. That is only 6 weeks away!!!

I have to take my "after" photos on or before April 6. My actual "before" photo is not the one on this site, I have on the black leggings and a sports bra so it doesn't disguise the fat like this one.
My goal was to get to 75lbs by the challenge but now that I only have 6 weeks left I am not sure if that's doable. I have lost 55 as of yesterday so I would need another 20 in the remaining 6 weeks (that's 3lbs/week and I don't know if I can do that). However, I feel I can do 15lbs in the 6 weeks which would make a total of 70.
Joe Beury, pictured here, is Dr J's dad and he was a 2008 IsaBody Challenge winner in the 60+ age category. I ate dinner last night with Joe, his wife Rosemary and some others after an Isagenix seminar we attended in Albany. Joe and his wife are great inspirations and such good people. Joe has been very encoraging to me in my quest to win the IsaBody Challenge. Click here to see results/stories from last year's winners.

I have to take my "after" photos on or before April 6. My actual "before" photo is not the one on this site, I have on the black leggings and a sports bra so it doesn't disguise the fat like this one.
My goal was to get to 75lbs by the challenge but now that I only have 6 weeks left I am not sure if that's doable. I have lost 55 as of yesterday so I would need another 20 in the remaining 6 weeks (that's 3lbs/week and I don't know if I can do that). However, I feel I can do 15lbs in the 6 weeks which would make a total of 70.
Joe Beury, pictured here, is Dr J's dad and he was a 2008 IsaBody Challenge winner in the 60+ age category. I ate dinner last night with Joe, his wife Rosemary and some others after an Isagenix seminar we attended in Albany. Joe and his wife are great inspirations and such good people. Joe has been very encoraging to me in my quest to win the IsaBody Challenge. Click here to see results/stories from last year's winners.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
4 Month Isagenix Progress - 54 pounds and 47.5 inches gone for good!
Today is the 120 day/four month mark as I started using Isagenix on Oct. 17, 2009. I am making good progress towards shedding 100 pounds (which I hope to accomplish by Aug. 17, 2010). My first goal is to reach 75 pounds by April 17th (the end of my six-month time period in the IsaBody Challenge). That means I have to lose 10 more pounds in each of the next two months - I think that's doable.
I went to Dr. J's office tonight for a presentation and had my photo taken with him. He has been a great coach and has also helped the people I am coaching. Too bad I look like I am half asleep in the photo, I always close my eyes when I get my photo taken :(.
David Zabrowski was there (part of our Albany team - he is something like #58 in money earnings with the company!) He has a fascinating story - he and his wife are school teachers and although he is only 37 he was able to retire early and help people full time with Isagenix. He is willing to help anyone on this team and that means you and I!
I went to Dr. J's office tonight for a presentation and had my photo taken with him. He has been a great coach and has also helped the people I am coaching. Too bad I look like I am half asleep in the photo, I always close my eyes when I get my photo taken :(.
David Zabrowski was there (part of our Albany team - he is something like #58 in money earnings with the company!) He has a fascinating story - he and his wife are school teachers and although he is only 37 he was able to retire early and help people full time with Isagenix. He is willing to help anyone on this team and that means you and I!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Blogging 100 Pounds
I started this blog right after I met with Dr. J to find out about Isagenix - at that time I had a feeling that this would be "it" - now I know I was right! Anyway, I wanted to start a blog to be accountable to myself and to let my friends and family see my progress (the majority of whom live out of state).
Well, I just found out that I wasn't supposed to use the Isagenix name in the url of the blog (I should have known that) but at the time I had no inclination I would be coaching other people and that this blog would be seen by anyone but me, my mother, my sister and a few friends.
As I searched for a new name for my blog I was surprised to see that so many of the names I thought of were taken (i.e. bloggingmyweightloss, 100poundstolose, 100poundstogo, myweightlossstory, etc.). The sad part is that I didn't see any blogs where people actually had a "final" photo or post of their success. Many people only had a few posts or even one! I guess that isn't really a surprise as I found myself in that situation many times.
One of the things I love about Isagenix is that there are so many people supporting each other and so many great success stories across the country and right here in Albany. One of the best things I did was go to some of Dr. J's meetings and connect with other supportive people. I also get constant inspiration and am learning something new everyday from coaching people.
Well, I just found out that I wasn't supposed to use the Isagenix name in the url of the blog (I should have known that) but at the time I had no inclination I would be coaching other people and that this blog would be seen by anyone but me, my mother, my sister and a few friends.
As I searched for a new name for my blog I was surprised to see that so many of the names I thought of were taken (i.e. bloggingmyweightloss, 100poundstolose, 100poundstogo, myweightlossstory, etc.). The sad part is that I didn't see any blogs where people actually had a "final" photo or post of their success. Many people only had a few posts or even one! I guess that isn't really a surprise as I found myself in that situation many times.
One of the things I love about Isagenix is that there are so many people supporting each other and so many great success stories across the country and right here in Albany. One of the best things I did was go to some of Dr. J's meetings and connect with other supportive people. I also get constant inspiration and am learning something new everyday from coaching people.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
It's a little scary...
It's a little scary at first introducing other people to Isagenix because I feel so responsible for them to have success like I did. I know how great the products are and have spoken to many others now who have also had great success but it still is a little different when it's someone I personally enroll and coach.
I take the role of coaching seriously and anxiously wait to hear my friends' results each week. I am just as happy for them as if it was my own weight loss. I really didn't understand at the beginning why this was sold through direct marketing but now I do. Friday is the day most people are weighing in and I like to get updates from them - it makes my day when someone has a good week!
I really do love helping other people, it is emotionally gratifying and financially gratifying. Imagine getting paid to do this -- helping people reach their health goals? It sure sounds like a dream job to me!
I take the role of coaching seriously and anxiously wait to hear my friends' results each week. I am just as happy for them as if it was my own weight loss. I really didn't understand at the beginning why this was sold through direct marketing but now I do. Friday is the day most people are weighing in and I like to get updates from them - it makes my day when someone has a good week!
I really do love helping other people, it is emotionally gratifying and financially gratifying. Imagine getting paid to do this -- helping people reach their health goals? It sure sounds like a dream job to me!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Losing Weight Has Been Easy... Keeping it Off Has Been Hard
Snow day today - a little bored - not my regular routine... I ate some Lays Wavy Chips and I was mad at myself after for doing that because it was after I had just eaten my "healthy snack." However, in the past I would have eaten half the bag - today I took a small handful on a napkin and that was it. In the past I would have thought the day was "ruined" and would have just gone on to eat other stuff. So how do I know that I won't gain it back this time?
Anything you do to lose weight - positive lifestyle changes - HAVE TO BE CONTINUED in order to maintain that weight. This is indisputable.
Isagenix products are part of my lifestyle and I will never give them up. Just like I won't give up getting my gray hair colored every six weeks. Some of the money I spend each week at Hannaford and BJs will go towards IsaLean Shakes and Cleasnse and that is the best money ever spent as it will keep me healthy. This is why I am so confident that I've found out why I was having such a hard time losing weight before Isagenix.
Why do people rebound? The Isagenix Cleanse is the key - click here for a simple diagram that explains it. If you have been thinking about trying Isagenix, call me and do it now!
Anything you do to lose weight - positive lifestyle changes - HAVE TO BE CONTINUED in order to maintain that weight. This is indisputable.
Isagenix products are part of my lifestyle and I will never give them up. Just like I won't give up getting my gray hair colored every six weeks. Some of the money I spend each week at Hannaford and BJs will go towards IsaLean Shakes and Cleasnse and that is the best money ever spent as it will keep me healthy. This is why I am so confident that I've found out why I was having such a hard time losing weight before Isagenix.
Why do people rebound? The Isagenix Cleanse is the key - click here for a simple diagram that explains it. If you have been thinking about trying Isagenix, call me and do it now!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Superbowl Sunday - and the winner is...
I feel like I've won the Superbowl (of health) with Isagenix products because I am 100% confident I will be able to keep this weight off for good! At the end of this winter most of what I own will be given to good will.
I started out Superbowl Sun. with a shake of course then grabbed my bottle of water, an apple and an Isagenix Chocolate Peanut Crunch bar (the best bar on the market!) as I was running errands. On the way home I stopped at Hannaford to get food to make for the big game. I really felt like having some of my favorite tortilla chips (pictured here). I haven't had them in a few months so I splurged (both on calories and because they are $5.19/bag!). But they are in a different league than Tostados. I also bought some guacamole (in 100 calorie paks).
I portioned out some chips in a bowl (eating from the bag is a bad thing I don't do anymore). It was enjoyable (the gucamole probably more than the chips) but not as good as I anticipated it would be. Then I made an orange beef stir-fry for dinner. So I know my 400-600 meal was way more than that!
BUT, the great thing is that it's Monday morning and I had my shake and I am back in control. In the past one "bad" day would lead to another, would lead to another... Now I have products that are healthy and readily available and that satisfy me. That half-empty bag of chips is downstairs now in my cupboard but it's not an issue. On other "diets," people will try to severly restrict their calories today to make up for the day before, only to find them-selves eating those chips later that night. The shakes, the healthy snacks at regular intervals and the water is the secret to avoid binge eating.
I started out Superbowl Sun. with a shake of course then grabbed my bottle of water, an apple and an Isagenix Chocolate Peanut Crunch bar (the best bar on the market!) as I was running errands. On the way home I stopped at Hannaford to get food to make for the big game. I really felt like having some of my favorite tortilla chips (pictured here). I haven't had them in a few months so I splurged (both on calories and because they are $5.19/bag!). But they are in a different league than Tostados. I also bought some guacamole (in 100 calorie paks).
I portioned out some chips in a bowl (eating from the bag is a bad thing I don't do anymore). It was enjoyable (the gucamole probably more than the chips) but not as good as I anticipated it would be. Then I made an orange beef stir-fry for dinner. So I know my 400-600 meal was way more than that!
BUT, the great thing is that it's Monday morning and I had my shake and I am back in control. In the past one "bad" day would lead to another, would lead to another... Now I have products that are healthy and readily available and that satisfy me. That half-empty bag of chips is downstairs now in my cupboard but it's not an issue. On other "diets," people will try to severly restrict their calories today to make up for the day before, only to find them-selves eating those chips later that night. The shakes, the healthy snacks at regular intervals and the water is the secret to avoid binge eating.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Isagenix Blog - So Skinny On the Inside
Another Isagenix blogger emailed me today because she saw my blog. Her name is Tara (not sure where she lives - I emailed her to ask). She has lost 41lbs and 60 inches in 19 weeks (with several periods of slight weight gains due to the holidays, etc.). It's scary how similar our stories are... her blog is inspiring to me and if you have time you may want to check it out. She has lots of great tips and product info. She also the cleansing the JA way :) So Skinny on the Inside.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Happy Birthday to ME...I am 49 years old today and 49lbs lighter!
I turned 49 years old today and feel better than ever (I can't remember the last time I was at this weight, it has to be at least 11 years ago, if not longer). The best part is that I will never have to worry about rebounding back up because the Isagenix products have changed my body from the inside. Thank you to Dr. J., to my sister and mother, husband, kids and friends who have all been supportive. I am now helping other people achieve their goals and that is rewarding both emotionally and financially.
My sister got me and my mother-in-law (whose birthday is tomorrow) a room at the MGM Grand at Foxwoods (she's a big roller there apparently). She surprised us with birthday balloons in our room plus bottles of alkalized water and apples - she's the best!
My husband made me a delicious fruit tart instead of a birthday cake - blueberries, strawberries, kiwi, no sugar. The rest of the family had a regular cake.
My sister got me and my mother-in-law (whose birthday is tomorrow) a room at the MGM Grand at Foxwoods (she's a big roller there apparently). She surprised us with birthday balloons in our room plus bottles of alkalized water and apples - she's the best!
My husband made me a delicious fruit tart instead of a birthday cake - blueberries, strawberries, kiwi, no sugar. The rest of the family had a regular cake.
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