Monday, September 26, 2011

ONLY 9 more pounds to go!!!

The scale moves slowly but that's fine... I am getting healthier in the meantime (can't wait to get my physical - the blood work tells the story). 

Only 9 more pounds to go to reach my 100 pound goal!! Then I will lose more. If Jill Birth* can weigh less than she did in 3rd grade then I can at least get to my high school weight! (*see prior post for her amazing transformation)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Progress Photo - lost 17lbs since July 8th

Summer's been GREAT so sad that it's Labor Day tomorrow. You'll see from my post on July 8th I had 30lbs to go to reach my 100lb goal. I am now only 13lbs away!

From February - July I had an issue with sugar because I felt that after 2-1/2 years without it (and after losing 90lbs) that I could handle it occasionally. Well, I am still, and always will be, addicted to sugar so since July 5th I am back to being sugar free.

Like I said in previous posts, if you're someone who gets hijacked by sweets (sugar + fat) or chips (fat + salt) to the point that you can't eat just one or that these items are "calling" to you from the kitchen, then it's going to be harder to eat these while trying to lose and/or maintain weight. If you eat them in moderation (and I know a lot of people who do) then you are golden!

So I am bike riding a lot and feeling great... Oct 17 I think is my two year anniversary with Isagenix so I WILL be down 100lbs by then. 

I am the picture taker of the family so there are no photos of me, I had to crop myself out of a group photo here (no make-up, in need of hair coloring to cover up the gray). I will take a full length photo soon!