Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Jenny Craig number 1 diet plan on Consumer Reports

Consumer Reports published ratings of "popular diet plans."  Isagenix wasn't reviewed because it really isn't a "diet" and it's not sold in stores. When you meet as many Isagenix users as I have you find that weight loss is way down on the list of health benefits that people enjoy. 

Jenny Craig "Breakfast" - 190 calories
Here is what you can eat for breakfast on Jenny Craig (photo taken from their website under the breakfast category). You can just imagine the list of ingredients. There is no comparison to the nutrition your body gets from an IsaLean shake. If this is what you want to feed your body every morning for the rest of your life then Isagenix is not for you. 

Jenny Craig has support so that is probably one of the reasons why it is successful - people can choose the level of support they want with Isagenix (one-on-one with the person who enrolled them or part of a FaceBook group of 1,500 or other groups who have weekly conference calls). 

But what is your goal? My #1 goal is to live a long and healthy life and #2 to be at a healthy weight but not at the expense of health.